Your retreat place, your paradise, your home.
No matter how you call it, the list of work to be done seems never to get shorter. Let this be our problem in the future.
constuction & renovation
floor laying
lighting (in- and outside)
new seams
lay cables
change light switch
mount the lamps
change locks
phone reinstallation
mount bird screen
maintenance & servicing
cleaning the roof gutter
controlling / documenting heating counter
heating installation control
fuel oil control / order
organize a chimney sweeper
organize some specialists
replace filter of the ventilation system
replace the seals
replace water strainer and filters
replace fittings and faucet (vanity / shower)
sealing the faucet
flush repairing

mounting & demounting
hang up and istall tv
hang up mirrors
hang up pictures
install lamps
mount furnitures
mount mosquitonet
outdoor area / facade
high-pressure cleaning
indoor area / staircase
pool / jacuzzi
waste management
pick up and transportation
bulky waste disponsing
christmas tree desponsing
plant disponsing
special waste disponsing
general service
computer support
house sitting
internet installation
organize your move (within Switzerland)
running errands
software & smartphone support
Why are these points important?
A building ages and loses value. A detailed maintenance and renewal concept ensures you a long-term value and protects you against short-term sales, due to personal or professional changes, against a mostly disproportionately high price decay. In order to ensure the value of your building it needs a regular service. Anyone who neglects the maintenance of the building must expect damage and loss of value. It is better to plan the necessary work far-sighted. The regular maintenance of a vehicle is self-evident for many of you but to a lot of people it is unknown that the same maintance is essential to their property. Investing in controlled maintenance is cost-effective, but it is much cheaper than remedying too late.
Why Home & Green?
Quality starts at Home & Green already with the consultation. Together we discuss your tailor-made maintenance range for your property. Thus, an individual task book is worked out. With the product variants developed by us, all wishes and requirements can be adapted to your specific needs.
For questions or a free meeting at your home, please contact us at 044 722 60 00 or info@homeandgreen.ch